You can use this table as a simple checklist, perhaps adding additional columns for action, owner, progress and status. 

Education and AwarenessUse posters, team huddles, reminders and staff handbook to remind people about their obligations (eg the stuff in your Data Protection Policy and Information Security Policy).
Data MappingUnderstanding what data you hold, where and why. This is good to help identify trip hazards that need addressing around people, process or technology, making sure there are roles and controls to keep data private, safe and secure
Risk AssessmentUnderstanding and agreeing key risks and measures over people, process and technology). There is a lot you could do on risk and there is some guidance on data-processing impact assessments [DPIA]. As a minimum Id suggest that the Directors (or Audit) have a meeting to discuss training, measures and paperwork and the minutes of that meeting (together with any actions) can constitute a reasonable risk assessment.
A Records Management & Retention PolicyTo help you to classify/categorise data and treat it accordingly with some being held for 1 year, 3 years, 10 years (or what-ever) and some being restricted to authorised people only. Generally this is also a good housekeeping exercise.
Subject access requestHave a standard process and perhaps template response for dealing with requests which may be from staff, customers or other types of people for whom you hold or share data.
Data beaches and reportingHave a standard process and perhaps template response for dealing with Data beaches and reporting, include any that are as a consequence of a supplier, third-party or any other person holding your data.
A Data Protection PolicyAbout data, confidentiality, security, privacy etc. You probably already have this covered in your staff handbook
An Information Security PolicyAbout emails, login, passwords, clear desk-policy, cabinets and keys. You probably already have this covered in your staff handbook too
Processor/Controller AgreementsHave a standard letter to send to supplier, third-party or any other person holding, sharing or processing your data. Make sure that letter (or contract) sets out your expectations and their obligations (eg the stuff in your Data Protection Policy and Information Security Policy)
A Privacy NoticeAbout what data you hold, why and key controls taken to keep confidential, accurate and secure. Some of this may be on your website, some may be written into your contracts, or possibly on a leaflet or brochures
Data Protection Officer or Co-ordinatorAbout what data you hold, why and key controls taken to keep confidential, accurate and secure. Some of this may be on your website, some may be written into your contracts, or possibly on a leaflet or brochures


You can use this table as a simple checklist, perhaps adding additional columns for action, owner, progress and status.

Consent based data processing ( A article 11 DPJL ) Have you reviewed your organisations mechanisms for collecting consent to ensure that it is freely given, specific, informed and that it is a clear indication that an individual has chosen to agree to the processing of their data by way of statement or a clear affirmative action?
If personal data that you currently hold on the basis of consent does not meet the required standard under the DPJL , have you re - sought the individuals consent to ensure compliance with the DPJL

Are procedures in place to demonstrate that an individual has consented to their data being processed?

Are procedures in place to allow an individual to withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data?
Children's personal data (A article 11(4) DPJL ) Where information society services are provided to a child, are procedures in place to verify age and get consent of a parent/ legal guardian, where required?
Access to personal data (Article 28 DPJL ) Is there a documented policy/procedure for handling Subject Access Requests (SARs)?

Is your organisation able to respond to SARs within one month?
Data portability (Article 34 DPJL)Are procedures in place to provide individuals with their personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format?
Rectification and erasure (Articles 31 and 32 DPJL ) Are there controls and procedures in place to allow personal data to be deleted or rectified (where applicable)?
Right to restriction of processing (Article 33 DPJL ) Are there controls and procedures in place to halt the processing of personal data where an individual has on valid grounds sought the restriction of processing?
Right to object to processing for direct marketing purposes, public functions or legitimate interests (Article s 35 and 36 DPJL ) Are individuals told about their right to object to certain types of processing such as direct marketing or where the legal basis of the processing is legitimate interests or necessary for a task carried out in the public interest?

Are there controls and procedures in place to halt the processing of personal data where an individual has objected to the processing?
Profiling and automated processing (Article 38 DPJL)If automated decision making, which has a legal or significant similar affect for an individual, is based on consent, has explicit consent been collected?

Where an automated decision is made which is necessary for entering into, or performance of, a contract, or based on the explicit consent of an individual, are procedures in place to facilitate an individuals right to obtain human intervention and to contest the decision?
Right to object for historical or scientific purposes (Article 37 DPJL)Where an automated decision is made which is necessary for entering into, or performance of, a contract, or based on the explicit consent of an individual, are procedures in place to facilitate an individuals right to obtain human intervention and to contest the decision? ?
Handling of requests by data subject in relation to their rights (Article 27 DPJL ) Have you taken appropriate action as is required within the required timeframes?
Purpose limitation Is personal data only used for the purposes for which it was originally collected?
Data minimisation Is the personal data collected limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed?
AccuracyAre procedures in place to ensure personal data is kept up to date and accurate and where a correction is required, the necessary changes are made without delay?
RetentionAre retention policies and procedures in place to ensure data is held for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected?
Other legal obligations governing retention Is your business subject to other rules that require a minimum retention period (e.g. medical records/tax records)?

Do you have procedures in place to ensure data is destroyed securely, in accordance with your retention policies?
Duplication of records Are procedures in place to ensure that there is no unnecessary or unregulated duplication of records?
Transparency to customers and e employees (Articles 12 DPJL ) Are service users/employees fully informed of how you use their data in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form using clear and plain language?

Where personal data is collected directly from the individuals, are procedures in place to provide the information listed at Article 12 of the DPJL ?

If personal data is not collected from the subject but from a third party (e.g. acquired as part of a merger) are procedures in place to provide the information listed at Article 12 of the DPJL ?

When engaging with individuals, such as when providing a service, sale of a good or CCTV monitoring, are procedures in place to proactively inform individuals of their rights under the DPJL ?

Is information on how the organisation facilitates individuals exercising their DPJL rights published in an easily accessible and readable format?
Processor Agreements (Articles 19 DPJL ) Have agreements with suppliers and other third parties processing personal data on your behalf been reviewed to ensure all appropriate data protection requirements are included?
Data Protection Officers (DPOs) (Articles 24 DPJL ) Do you need to appoint t a DPO as per Article 24 of the DPJL ?

If it is decided that a DPO is not required, have you documented the reasons why?

Where a DPO is appointed, are escalation and reporting lines in place? Are these procedures documented?

Have you published the contact details of your DPO to facilitate your customers/ employees in making contact with them?
Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) (Article 16 DPJL ) If your data processing is considered high risk, do you have a process for identifying the need for, and conducting of, DPIAs? Are these procedures documented?
Appropriate technical and organisational security measures (Article 21 ) Have you assessed the risks involved in processing personal data and put measures in place to mitigate against them?

Is there a documented security programme that specifies the technical, administrative and physical safeguards for personal data?

Is there a documented process for resolving security related complaints and issues?

Is there a designated individua l who is responsible for preventing and investigating security breaches?

Are industry standard encryption technologies employed for transferring, storing, and receiving individuals' sensitive personal information?

Is personal information systematically destroyed, erased, or anonymised when it is no longer legally required to be retained.

Can access to personal data be restored in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident?
Data Breach response obligations (Article 20 DPJL)Does the organisation have a documented privacy and security incident response plan?

Are plans and procedures regularly reviewed?

Are there procedures in place to notify the office of the Data Protection Commissioner of a data breach?

Are there procedures in place to notify data subjects of a data breach (where applicable)?

Are all data breaches fully documented?

Are there cooperation procedures in place between data controllers, suppliers and other partners to deal with data breaches?
International data transfers (outside the EEA)
International data transfers Is personal data transferred outside the EEA, e.g. To the US or other countries?

Does this include any special categories of personal data?

What is the purpose(s) of the transfer?

Who is the transfer to?

Are all transfers listed including answers to the previous questions (e.g. the nature of the data, the purpose of the processing, from which country the data is exported and which country receives the data, and who the recipient of the data is?)
Legality of international transfersIs there a legal basis for the transfer, e.g. EU Commission adequacy decision standard contractual clauses. Are these bases documented?
TransparencyAre data subjects fully informed about any intended international transfers of their personal data?


You can use this table as a simple checklist, perhaps adding additional columns for action, owner, progress and status. 

1.1Policies and ProceduresAre there governance processes in place which are reflected in key policies?
1.2Management StructuresIs there a management framework, including a delegated process of accountability and responsibility from the board down, to ensure there is effective oversight of data protection compliance?
1.3Central Action Plan and KPIsAre there measures and Key Performance Indicators in place against governance processes?
1.4Compliance Checks and AuditsAre regular audits and checks carried out and are the results of these actioned?
1.5Record of processing (ROPA) and corresponding Risk RegisterIs there a documented Record of Processing Activities and Risk Register that is updated frequently?
1.6Data Protection OfficerHas there been an appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and has a DPO supporting infrastructure been developed?
1.7Lawful basis of processing Does a full record of the lawful basis for processing exist for each area of personal data processing?
1.8The use of Consent as the lawful basis for processingAre there appropriate consent mechanisms in place, where consent is used as a lawful basis?
1.9Overarching Information Governance TrainingIs there an overarching Information Governance training programme in place?
1.10Processor ContractsIs there a written contract (or other legal act) in place to evidence and govern the working relationship with processor(s).
1.11Processors of the OrganisationAre processors, acting on the behalf of the organisation, monitored with regards to compliance with information governance policies?
1.12External AccrediationWhat external accrediation or certification has your organisation undergone?
1.13Information Steering GroupIs there a designated group within the organisation for data protection?
1.14Online Services for ChildrenWhat systems are in place to provide additional safeguards for children?
1.15Data Protection by Design and DefaultWhat organisational considerations have been undertaken to demonstrate that data protection by design and default has been implemented?
1.16TransparencyWhat measures does the organisation take to ensure they are transparent with data subjects?
2.1Organisational Training ProgrammeDo all staff undergo data management and GDPR / Data Protection training at the beginning and during their employment?
2.2Roles-based TrainingIs training tailored dependent upon an employees role? Is there specific Data Protection training for those in specialist roles?
2.3Induction TrainingIs there induction training for all staff? Does this training cover data protection practices?
2.4Refresher TrainingIs there planned schedule for refresher training in place?
2.5Training RecordsIs there a regularly updated record of training?
2.6E-learningIs E-learning available for employees?
2.7Follow-up ProcessesIs there a process in place to ensure training is completed?
2.8Staff AwarenessAre all members of the Board, Senior Leadership, Non-Executive Directors(NEDs), Governors and Executives aware of their legal responsibilities under General Data Protection Regulations(GDPR)/Data Protection Act (DPA)? How are staff kept informed about data protection procedures and updates?
3.1Policies and ProceduresAre there policies and procedures in place to enable accurate record management throughout the organisation?
3.2Roles and ResponsibilitiesAre employees aware of their role within records management and the responsibilities entailed by this?
3.3Authenticity of RecordsAre there processes in place to ensure the authenticity of records?
3.4Collection of DataAre indivudals informed about the use of their personal data?
3.5Creation of RecordsWhen creating documented information, has the organisation ensured there are appropriate identification, classifications and security measures?
3.6Effective MechanismsAre there effective mechanisms in place to locate and retrieve physical records on demand?
3.7AccuracyAre there processes in place to ensure the accuracy of records?
3.8Intergrity and Reliability of RecordsAre there processes in place to ensure the integrity and reliability of records?
3.9Third Party ContractsWhat measures are in place to ensure third parties comply with your policies and procedures?
3.10Third Party Disposal ChecksWhere third parties are supposed to dispose of personal information, what checks have been carried out?
3.11Usability of RecordsAre there processes in place to ensure the usability of records?
3.12Records Inventory MaintenanceIs there a structured records maintenance process in place? This should enable the data to be kept accurate and up to date.
3.13Retention Schedule and Disposal of DataHas a Retention Policy and Schedule been developed, delivered and embedded? Is there an official process in place for destruction of data?
4.1Policies and ProceduresAre there information security procedures in place to inform internal staff and data subjects about information security?
4.2Well Established Management FrameworkIs there a embedded management framework within the organisation?
4.3Cyber resilience Is there evidence of cyber access points being secure from external threats?
4.4Appropriate Organisational MeasuresIs data security implemented throughout the organisation?
4.5Access ControlIs there a policy in place that allows the creation and suspension of user access to organisational systems?
4.6Physical SecurityHow are physical documents stored (e.g. lockable cabinets) and security around devices? What security is in place concerning the building?
4.7Operations SecurityA policy or procedure that controls the recruitment, management, monitoring and controls of system administration.
4.8Mobile Devices and Working from HomeA policy and procedure that implements security measures when using mobile devices and working from home.
4.9Appropriate Background Checks What measures are in place to ensure information security standards are maintained throughout someone's employment? What is the process for HR staff?
4.1Responsibility for AssetsIs there a process which identifies your information assets(hardware and software), who is responsible for them and the acceptable use of those assets?
4.11Use, Maintenance and Disposal of AssetsWhat systems are in place to ensure the acceptable use, maintenance and disposal of information assets?
4.12Safeguarding of Authentification InformationWhat meaures are in place to ensure their authenification information is safeguarded?
4.13Secure Storage for Physical AssetsWhat securities have been put in place for physical assets?
4.14Operational Procedures and ResponsibilitiesWhat operational measures have been implemented to ensure correct and secure systems and services?
4.15Malware ProtectionWhat measures have been taken to protect against malware and viruses?
4.16Back-UpHow are information assets backed-up?
4.17Network Security ManagementHas network security management been implemented to ensure the protection of information in networks and its supporting information processing facilities?
4.18Technical Vulnerability ManagementHas technical vulnerability management been implemented to prevent exploitation of technical vulnerabilities>
4.19Third Party TransfersWhat measures are in place to provide appropriate protections during third party transfers?
4.20Email ProtectionsWhat protections are there to safeguard email communications?
4.21Information Security in IT Supplier RelationshipsWhat Information Security measures have been implemented within IT supplier relationships?
4.22User Access ManagementIs there a system that in place to allocate, restrict, control, review and terminate access rights?
4.23System MaintenanceIs there a increased level of monitoring where employees have access to crucial information systems? What procedures are there for when operating platforms are changed and software is modified?
4.24Information ClassificationIs there a consistent approach to differentiate types of information throughout the organisation?
4.25Media HandlingAre there procedures and protections in place for the management, transportation and disposal of media?
4.26Breach and Incident ManagementIs there a Breach/Incident Management policy and procedure? Is there a log of breaches/incidents that is regularly updated?
4.27Business ContinuityIs there a Business Continuity plan in place?
4.28Compliance Monitoring and ReviewsIs there compliance across all departments?
5.1OwnerIs there an individual/team responsible for Subject Access and Individual Rights?
5.2GuidanceHow are individuals guided on how to make a request?
5.3Recognising a RequestAre staff made aware of how to identify and channel requests to the appropriate team or person>
5.4VerificationIs there a process in place for how data subjects are verified when making a request?
5.5Procedures for Finding and Retrieving InformationDoes the organisation know what personal information it holds and has systems and processes in place to locate in good time?
5.6Dealing with the Data SubjectIs there a procedure in place for communitications with the Data Subject?
5.7Secure TransferWhat procedures are in place to ensure the secure transfer of information to the data subject?
5.8Complaint ProcedureIs there a clear process for data subjects to raise complaints?
5.9SAR Reporting and Related KPIsAre SAR reports generated that also display related KPIs?
5.1Policies and ProceduresAre there Subject Access and Individual Rights policies in place and are they followed and updated?
5.11SAR LogAre the requests and the following procedure logged?
5.12Timescale MonitoringIs there a process in place for monitoring the progress of requests and ensuring they are completed within the required one month timeframe.
5.13RedactionsIs there a process in place?
5.14ExemptionsAre there a list of exemptions that have been used when refusing individual rights?
6.1Owner/AuthorisationDo you have a record of who owns the data and the authorisation to share the data?
6.2Policies and ProceduresDo you have Data Sharing procedures and policies in place?
6.3Written agreements Controller/Processors Where the organisation is the controller is a written agreement in place with all processors outlining their Data Protection requirements ?
6.4Written agreements Processors/ControllersWhere the organisation is the processor a written agreement in place with all Controllers outlining their Data Protection requirements ?
6.5Written agreements Controllers/ControllersWhere the organisation is a Joint Controller or a Controller in Common a written agreement is in place with all Joint Controllers/Controllers in common outlining their Data Protection requirements ?
6.6Transfers outside the EU/Adequacy/EEA Where data is shared outside the EU are the additional safeguards in place as required
6.7Data Quality and RetentionWhat measures are in place to ensure the quality of any data shared?
6.8DisclosuresWhat processes are in place to ensure disclosures are documented?
6.9Documentation of DecisionsHow are decisions regarding the sharing of data documented?
6.1Managing Data Sharing AgreementsIs there a management procedure to undertake regular quality checks/due diligence on Data Sharing agreements?
6.11Brexit - No Deal ReadinessData flows to the EU have been defined, where required EU DPO/Agents have been appointed and standard contractual terms are in place between controllers and processors.
7.1Policies and ProceduresDo you have Information risk assessments and management policies and procedures in place? Are there triggers to initiate these procedures?
7.2ResponsibilitiesDo you have a responsibility hierarchy in place?
7.3Consultation ProcessDo you have a DPIA consultation process in place?
7.4Organisational MeasuresWhat organisational measures are in place to identify data flows, into, through and out of the organisation?
7.5Referral to ICO Is there a procedure whereby new projects or changes in processes can be escalated where a high risk is discovered?
7.6Formal ReportIs there a formal report to accompany completed DPIAs? Is this report presented to the appropriate stakeholders?
7.7Project Plan/Risk RegisterDo you have project plans and a corresponding risk register in place?
7.8Review and AuditDo you regularly review and audit your Information risk assessments?
7.9Sample DPIAs and TemplatesDo you have sample DPIAs and templates in your organisation?
7.10Log of DPIAsDoes your organisation have a log of DPIAs?
8.1Policies and ProceduresDirect marketing procedures and policies including legitimate interest assessments.
8.2ConsentEvidence of collected consent for direct marketing.
8.3ScreeningEvidence of screening against TPS and other relevant preference services and the organisation's own unsubscribed list.
8.4Opting In/OutEvidence of clear opt in/out options for direct marketing.
8.5Privacy NoticeEvidence of direct marketing transparency information within privacy notices and where in the marketing process this is available to data subject.
8.6Database ManagementA system in place to manage the Database used for direct marketing.
8.7Bought-in ListsEvidence that bought-in lists are valid and due diligence has been carried out.
8.8Lawful BasisLog of the lawful basis being used for direct marketing, documented in the privacy notice.
8.9CookiesA cookies policy in place and processes which evidences that you:tell people the cookies are there, explain why the cookies are there and what they do and that you have received their consent to store the cookie.